Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Walking Radius To Whatcom Middle School

The Bellingham School District requires students to walk to school if they live within a one mile radius of the school they are supposed to be attending. This map shows the radius around Whatcom Middle School in the Lettered Streets Neighborhood.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Architectural Styles of the Neighborhood

The Lettered Streets Neighborhood is full of historic buildings and was recently declared as a historic district in the town of Bellingham along with the South Hill and York Neighborhoods.
The neighborhood is comprised of many different architectural styles, primarily Arts and Crafts and Queen Anne houses. The newer houses being built are beginning to take on a more modern flair while still keeping the design within the regulations of the neighborhood.

Queen Anne Style houses like the one featured above is a housing design that resembles the English Baroque architectural style of housing. This style was widely popular in Washington from 1880 through 1900, although popularity has since died out. Many of the homes in the Lettered Streets Neighborhood feature this style, about one-fourth of the total styles. This style is one of the several Victorian styles that have emulated from that period in European history.

Arts and Crafts style houses comprise 37 percent of the Lettered Streets Neighborhood, and has inspired more modern styles such as the Craftsman and bungalow styles of architecture. During the 1880s, designers became bored with Victorian styles and wanted to make a more middle class, common housing style. This style has been replicated many times and continues to be popular throughout recent years.

Vernacular style architecture is commonly known as buildings created from the materials directly at hand. Houses like this log cabin are not found in the Lettered Streets Neighborhood but modern square buildings are used as 18 percent of the total housing in the neighborhood. This style is still used as a necessity based model but it is more commonly found in low resource areas or third-world countries.